Between Two Beers Podcast Brews Up Success

New Zealand's podcasting scene is brimming with innovative shows, and few have captured hearts (and livers) quite like "Between Two Beers."

This interview-based podcast, produced by Steve Holloway and Seamus McMahon, serves up casual conversations over a few cold ones with some of New Zealand's most interesting personalities.

From Backyard Chats to Top-Ranked Podcast

What began as friendly banter between two mates has led to an award winner, taking home Best Society & Culture Podcast at the 2024 NZ Radio & Podcast Awards. With their easygoing style and insightful questions, they have interviewed a diverse range of guests, from Kiwi legends like Marc Ellis and sporting heroes like Wayne Smith to media personalities and social commentators. Their genuine curiosity and relaxed atmosphere create a space for guests to share stories, insights, and experiences that resonate deeply with listeners.

Discover the secret to success in the New Zealand podcasting market here.

Behind the Brews: Simplicity Wins

The secret sauce of "Between Two Beers" lies in its simple yet effective format. The relaxed, beer-fueled atmosphere allows guests to shed formalities and engage in open conversations. Steve and Seamus' genuine curiosity and well-researched questions ensure the discussions delve beyond surface-level chit-chat. This winning combination of humor, insightful conversation, and a glimpse into the lives of fascinating individuals has garnered "Between Two Beers" a loyal following and a spot on the top podcast charts in New Zealand.

More Than Just Pints: Building a Supportive Community

Beyond the entertainment value, "Between Two Beers" fosters a sense of community. Listeners connect with the down-to-earth nature of the show and feel like they're getting to know the guests on a personal level. This sense of connection and shared experience has created a dedicated fan base who actively engage with the show on social media and tune in week after week for their next dose of insightful conversation, Kiwi charm, and perhaps a virtual toast with a cold beverage.

This show proves the value of knowing your audience and delivering your content in a way that appeals. Learn more about how to find and target your audience in this episode of The Podcasters Club.

Craft Your Podcast's Success Story

The journey of "Between Two Beers" from backyard chats to a top-ranked podcast is an inspiring example of the power of genuine connection and engaging storytelling. At Precision Podcasting, we understand the ingredients that make a podcast successful.

We can help you refine your interview format, develop a captivating narrative style, and elevate your audio production to create a podcast that resonates with your target audience. Learn more about the importance of crafting a story in this episode of The Podcasters Club.

Ready to turn your podcasting passion into a thriving show? Contact Precision Podcasting today and discover how we can help you brew up your own podcasting success story.


Conquering the Distance: Your Guide to Remote Podcasting


Finding the perfect format for your podcast.