10 Reasons to Launch a Business Podcast in 2024 [with NZ case-study]

Imagine a marketing tool that allows you to:

  • Reach a massive target audience: Expand your reach and connect with a vast audience of potential and existing customers simultaneously.

  • Deep-dive into your brand story: Showcase your brand identity, mission, and future goals through engaging podcast episodes.

  • Build a loyal community: Foster a thriving community around your brand by sparking insightful conversations and shared experiences.

This powerful tool is podcasting, and it's experiencing explosive growth. According to a recent report by DemandSage, there are over 504.9 million podcast listeners globally as of 2024. This makes podcasting a prime opportunity to connect with your target audience through niche-specific content.

Here's why you should consider launching a branded podcast in 2024 [watch or scroll down to read].

1. Captivate a Ready Audience:

The podcasting audience continues to surge globally. By incorporating SEO best practices and strategically targeting your niche, you can ensure your podcast reaches the right listeners.

2. Establish Yourself as an Industry Leader:

Podcasts allow you to delve into complex topics, showcasing your expertise and building trust with your audience. By consistently delivering valuable information, you'll position yourself as a thought leader in your field.

3. Foster a Brand Community:

Passionate listeners often crave interaction. Create a dedicated online space (Facebook group, subreddit) for discussions around your podcast topics, fostering a sense of community around your brand.

4. Authentic Brand Storytelling:

Podcasts offer a platform to naturally convey your brand's ethos and values, giving listeners a deeper understanding of your company culture and purpose. This fosters brand loyalty and strengthens customer relationships. Learn more about the Art of Storytelling in this podcast episode.

5. Create Personal Connections:

Podcasting offers an intimate and personal way to connect with your audience. Your voice directly reaches your listeners, fostering a sense of connection and relatability. This can have a powerful impact on brand perception.

6. Evergreen Content for Long-Term Growth:

Unlike fleeting ads, podcast episodes retain value for years to come. New listeners can discover your brand through older episodes, continuously expanding your reach and driving organic traffic to your website.

7. Enhance SEO with Strategic Content Repurposing:

Repurpose podcast content into blog posts, social media snippets, and website copy. By strategically including relevant keywords and optimizing your content for search engines, you can improve your search engine ranking and drive organic traffic. Learn more about repurposing your content to get the most out of it in this blog or this podcast episode.

8. Organic Growth Fueled by Word-of-Mouth Marketing:

Compelling content sparks word-of-mouth recommendations. As listeners share their enthusiasm, your podcast reaches a wider audience. This organic growth is a powerful tool for brand awareness. Discover more about how to grow your podcast in this article.

9. Gather Valuable Audience Insights:

Encourage listener interaction through social media comments, podcast platform reviews, and email responses. This direct feedback provides valuable insights to refine your content strategy and ensure your podcast resonates with your target audience. Discover how to target your audience affectively in this podcast episode.

10. Lower Barrier to Entry for Businesses:

Podcasting equipment and resources are more affordable and accessible than ever. Quality recording tools are readily available, and outsourcing editing services is a viable option, ensuring a professional outcome without a significant time commitment. Discover the essential gear you need to start a podcast in this article.

Case study: The New Zealand Defence Force with ‘Unclassified’.

The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) recognised the power of podcasting and leveraged it to achieve remarkable results. With Precision Podcasting at the editing helm, they launched a podcast titled ‘Unclassified’ to celebrate their history, successes, and the extraordinary stories of their personnel.

Discover the secret to success in the New Zealand podcasting market here.

'Unclassified' The New Zealand Defence Force podcast - edited by Precision Podcasting.

A Focus on Real People, Real Stories:

The NZDF understood that connecting with their audience on a human level was crucial. ‘Unclassified’ doesn't shy away from the gruelling realities of military life, but it primarily focuses on the personal experiences of the men and women who serve. This approach resonated with listeners, fostering a sense of connection and investment in the NZDF's mission.

Unclassified's Impact:

  • Chart-topping Success: ‘Unclassified’ quickly rose to the #1 spot in the Government category of the New Zealand Apple Podcasts chart, demonstrating its popularity among Kiwis both at home and abroad.

  • Engaged Audience: Listener feedback confirmed the effectiveness of the show's storytelling approach. By featuring real people's experiences, ‘Unclassified’ fostered a deeper connection between listeners and the NZDF.

  • Second Season Confirmed: The positive reception for Season 1, which focused on the NZDF's 20-year involvement in Afghanistan, paved the way for a second season. This highlights the ongoing value podcasting brings to the NZDF's communication strategy and is growing to be one of New Zealand’s top podcasts.

Key Takeaways from the NZDF's Success:

The NZDF's experience with ‘Unclassified’ offers valuable insights for businesses considering podcasting:

  • Authenticity is Key: Listeners connect with genuine stories from real people. Focus on showcasing the human element within your brand.

  • Target Your Audience: Tailor your podcast content to resonate with your specific audience's interests and values.

  • Focus on Quality: The NZDF team knew they had to match the enthralling stories with equally captivating audio. So once they had their mission, they chose Precision Podcasting to ensure they got their audio right from the beginning.

By following these principles, businesses of all sizes can leverage podcasting to achieve their marketing goals, just like the New Zealand Defence Force.

Quality Audio is Essential for Success:

While podcasting offers numerous benefits, audio quality remains paramount. Listeners prioritise a professional and engaging audio experience. A poorly produced podcast will likely be abandoned, hindering your efforts. Learn more about how bad audio can negatively impact your success in this podcast episode.

Discover the secret to success in the New Zealand podcasting market here.

Invest in Professional Podcast Production:

Partnering with a reputable podcast production company like Precision Podcasting can help you achieve exceptional sound quality from the very start. With our expertise, you can launch a podcast that sounds polished and captures your audience's attention. This investment in professional audio production will pay dividends in the long run. Read this article to learn the difference audio editing can make.

Podcasting empowers you to share your brand story, engage with your audience on a deeper level, and build lasting connections. Coupled with its cost-effectiveness and content versatility, podcasting is an ideal marketing tool for businesses of all sizes in 2024.

Ready to Get Started?

Your first step to starting a podcast is deciding your main purpose for doing one. This will inform the style of podcast you create, what content you develop and the type of gear you will need to set yourself up with. Begin the process by learning about podcast styles in this article.

Contact Precision Podcasting today and discover how we can transform your brand's story into captivating podcast content that resonates with your customers and drives business growth.


Finding the perfect format for your podcast.


The Power of Podcast Editing [with examples].